Saddam and Play Station, czytanka angielask,Czas trwania nagrania 2:53 minut................At the end of 2000 world news services published an amazing, but at the same time disturbing, piece of news. According to anonymous sources at the Pentagon, Saddam Hussein, the leader of the Iraqi dark forces, had bought several thousand PlayStation 2 gaming consoles from all over the world. What we found out from this dispatch was that the aim of this purchase was not a sudden urge to present Iraqi schools with this electronic toy, but the dark lord already had his cunning plan. Saddam Hussein decided to buy PlayStations in order to join them into one powerful net, a project worked out by his team of brilliant Iraqi scientists and IT-specialists. Joined into one organism, the gaming consoles were to make up one the most powerful supercomputers in the world, with computational power which was to surpass the computational power of the best American supercomputer.
According to the officers of the American intelligence, the reason for such an action was an embargo imposed by ONZ under which the Iraqi dictator could not buy a supercomputer which he needed to carry out research into weapons of mass destruction. Therefore Iraqi scientists came up with the unusual idea of using an electronic toy, not included in the embargo, and after some altering and in combination with other consoles use it as a lethal weapon.
According to the military, the PlayStation 2's could not only be used to construct a mass destruction weapon, but also to automatically control unmanned war planes, or even for directing medium-range rockets.
That seemingly absurd news in December 2000 evoked impassionate discussions fueled by the fact that all over the world it was extremely difficult to buy PlayStation 2, which according to the supporters of Hussein's idea was irrefutable prove for the support of this thesis. obviously, the truth was totally different. In fact, in December 2000, shops all over the world were short of this popular gaming console, but not because of Saddam Hussein who had allegedly bought them all, but because of Sony, who did not manage to produce enough consoles to satisfy increased Christmas demand for this toy. Of course the supporters of the conspiracy theory have never accepted such a corny reason as the lack of PlayStation 2's on the world market and are still absolutely convinced that Saddam Hussein used this gaming console to create a weapon of mass destruction.
In the end we can ask this question ? if Iraq had had such a supercomputer why did they lose the war with the USA within a few weeks? The answer to this is also simple for the supporters of the conspiracy theory ? Iraqi scientists did not have enough time to construct such a computer before the war broke out...
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